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Motivating, enlightening, and igniting a love of photography in our audience is our primary goal. From amateurs to professionals, you'll discover a plethora of information here that can help you develop your skills and explore new avenues of creativity.
the best way to convert raw to jpg in Lightroom
You can easily create a JPEG file from a RAW file using Lightroom Classic. The keyword there is "create" rather than "convert." The difference is due to how Lightroom Classic operates.
Tips for Perfecting Exposure with Lightroom Classic
Today's darkroom exists in our computers. Instead of trays filled with chemicals, we use editing software. When you don't manage to get the exposure correct out in the field, you can address issues and make exposure corrections on your computer.
Learning to use Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority modes
Are you ready to move from "Auto" mode on your camera to manual? It can be a bit (or very) intimidating, but you don't have to go all-in when you decide to shoot manually.
In the market for new photography gear in 2021? Check these out
We have a few suggestions for you on some equipment you might want to purchase! Here are some exciting new toys any photographer would love to own. Browse through our seven options and pick something out for yourself!
Five Quality Photo Editing Monitors to Consider
Photo editing monitors are typically are customized for a photo, video, and graphic work. They are also highly calibrated to correctly display colors and come in 4K, 5K, and 8K resolutions.
A Street Photographer's LIGHTROOM Tutorial for Improving Work Flow
Extraordinary images consist of details. They combine to tell a story and capture the viewer. Capturing details can sometimes be a challenge for the street photographer as they scramble to shoot a picture.
What You Should Know about Apple's ProRaw
If you've gotten your hands on Apple's iPhone 12 Pro Max, you know it to be one of the best smartphone cameras ever designed.
all that you need to know about filter bar in lightroom
Sorting images in Adobe's Lightroom is a breeze! It's easy to locate an image, filter them by criteria, then sort and organize them.
Photography On TikTok: How To Go Viral
Do you want to succeed with photography on TikTok? As a relatively new social media platform, TikTok is growing by leaps and bounds — and photography is one of the most popular niches on the app.
27 Creative Ideas for Your Holiday Pictures
It's that time of year! Holiday family photos are upon us. Even if this year's family gatherings are different from past years, many of us will want to capture memories through family photos.
Choosing a Soundbar For Your Photography Studio
Soundbars are not only great for homes but also make up your office setup. As a photographer, there are many gadgets you will need to get for your studio, and a soundbar should be top of your list.
What are Lightroom Presets and why I use them
Lightroom Presets can improve and speed up the workflow, saving valuable time. Select presets carefully and be prepared to make some manual edits after applying a preset.
Wedding Photography Checklist - The Definitive Guide
From the moment you wake up thinking, 'Wow, I'm getting married today' to the moment you kick your hotel suite door closed for the night, a million memorable moments will manifest all around you.
Tips for Taking Better Action Shots While Shooting in Burst Mode
How often do you use your camera's burst mode? Are you comfortable working with it? Are you maximizing its potential?
The Complete Guide to Photography Lighting
If there is one intimidating aspect of photography - aside from working with clients - most photographers would probably say it's lighting. Many photographers also consider it one of the most challenging but fundamental elements of their work.
A Look at the Very Worthy Lightroom Online Portal
Lightroom's online portal (lightroom.adobe.com) offers users easy access to its many features, including the ability to edit, find, and curate their photos from any device with access to the Internet.
The Current Role of A.I. in Photography
From its beginnings, photography has been an ever-evolving medium. It has never been entirely stagnant, driven by photographers wanting increasingly sophisticated capabilities.
30 + Top-Rated Photography Themes for WordPress
Does your current website feature your photography nicely? Does it look professional and attractive enough to impress a potential client? If your answers are no or maybe, you should prioritize enhancing your website.
Studio gear every studio photographer should own
This one goes out to all the studio shooters out there! There are certain pieces of gear that are used more often in the studio vs. on location.
Introducing the Fujifilm XS10 Midrange Digital Camera
If you're thinking of purchasing a new midrange camera, you might want to take a look at Fujifilm's new XS10 once it's released in November.