Top Benefits of Using Lightroom Adjustment Brushes


So are you a photographer planning to try out necessary adjustments or even warming up a photo with white balance and retouching? Could it also be an issue with brand, preference or quality of prime photo editing tools? Want a game changer for all types of your photographic post-processing and naturally, can’t find any? Why don’t you give adjustment brushes in Lightroom a try!

The top benefits of using Lightroom adjustment brushes

In a market fraud with photo editing tools, you’ll agree with us that choosing the best tool can be a pretty tough task. Therefore you should make some considerations before commencing on shopping the tools.

Now, if you are not familiar with Adjustment Brushes in Lightroom read on to discover top 8 reasons why you should give them a try!

1. Multiple Settings:

With the adjustment brush, you are sure to have multiple setting only by using a single brush. By having more than one setting options on the change, brush helps you to save more time which is always appreciated in photo editing. You can increase saturation and clarity simultaneously while using a single brush.

multiple settings for lightroom brushes

2. Changing Layers:

Adjustment Lightroom brushes allow you quickly to change various layers' of several spots on your photo. While using this brush you are assured that changes you make in your photo are not affected by your amazing presets.

changing layers for lightroom brushes

3. Presence of Keyboard Shortcuts:

Using keyboard while editing a photo is not only efficient but also healthy. While using keyboard shortcuts you can complete more tasks instead of using a mouse, it is easier to use shortcuts, and you get your photo editing job done faster. Keyboard shorts allow you to multitask more efficiently. Using shortcuts will keep you healthy from Repetitive Syndrome Injury (RSI).

Various keyboard shortcuts present in adjustable Lightroom brush:

1. «K» - Go to Adjustment Brush Menu

2. «[» or «]» - Change Brush Size

3. «Shift + [» or «Shift + ]» - Change Feather Size

4. «1 - 9» - Change Brush Flow 

5. «O» - See Where You Brushed

6. «Alt» or «Opt» - Eraser tool

7. «Enter» or «Return» - Confirm Brush Stroke

4. Auto Mask option:

Adjustable Lightroom brushes have two main options edit and new which helps you to have fantastic photo finish after editing. With the two choices, you can create a new mask or even modify an existing mask. Auto-mask helps you to target specific areas of your image and also contribute to keeping the brush from spilling on areas which were not your target.

auto mask option for lightroom

5. Effect area option:

Adjustable Lightroom brushes have an area of choosing the effect. It allows you to have a perfect choice of the effect that you would like it to be applied with the brush in a particular masking area.

6. Brush options (A and B):

Adjustable Lightroom brush allows you to have access to A and B brush presets inside the brush tool. The two brush presets you to have access to either a soft edge brush or a hard edge brush so that you can have superfine photo editing results.

brush option for lightroom

7. Adjustable:

When using flexible Lightroom brush you can change the size of you brush by just using the scroll wheel on your mouse. The presence of a sidebar in the brush panel allows you to adjust the size of your brush easily.

adjustable size for lightroom brush

8. Presence of an Erase Tool:

Adjustment brushes in Lightroom give you an opportunity to enjoy an erase tool by changing your brush into fantastic erase tool. To change brush to an erase depends on the operating system that you are using for Opt Key (MAC) or Alt Key (PC). You can also adjust the eraser brush for perfect results.

What are the advantages of using adjustment brushes in Lightroom?

When using adjustment brushes, you will be in a position to enjoy your photography career more below is a rundown of top rated advantages of Lightroom adjustment brush?

1. Adjustment brushes in Lightroom are easier to use and operate.

2. Adjustment Brushes Creates non-destructive changes that can either be modified or removed any time.

3. Lightroom Adjustment Brushes helps to reduce noise in your photos and also to sharpen them.

4. When using adjustable Lightroom brush you can use the reset button to remove all adjustments on your brush toolkit.

Worry no more about you photo editing desires with the above information about adjustment brushes in Lightroom. You can now determine you specific needs and match them to the above features and make an option of giving adjustment brushes in Lightroom a try.

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