Price Sheet Photography Template - Sweet Dreams
Make this stylish, elegant and modern wedding photography template a great addition to your online responses to client pricing requests, or to your promotional kit. Create beautiful presentation for your client pricing information with our Sweet Dreams Pricing Guide Photoshop Template. Our templates designed to be as simple as possible. You can simply drop in your images, change the colors, insert your logo and you're done. Every template can be used an unlimited amount of times.
Make this stylish, elegant and modern wedding photography template a great addition to your online responses to client pricing requests, or to your promotional kit. Create beautiful presentation for your client pricing information with our Sweet Dreams Pricing Guide Photoshop Template. Our templates designed to be as simple as possible. You can simply drop in your images, change the colors, insert your logo and you're done. Every template can be used an unlimited amount of times.
Make this stylish, elegant and modern wedding photography template a great addition to your online responses to client pricing requests, or to your promotional kit. Create beautiful presentation for your client pricing information with our Sweet Dreams Pricing Guide Photoshop Template. Our templates designed to be as simple as possible. You can simply drop in your images, change the colors, insert your logo and you're done. Every template can be used an unlimited amount of times.
Included files: 2 Fully Layered .PSD Files - 8.5” x 11”, 300ppi
Free font: Download links included in instruction guide
Requirements: Photoshop CS4+ / Photoshop Elements 6+ | Mac and Windows
Printing: designed to be printed at home, at any local or online printing lab
Instruction guide: PDF step-by-step instructions included
Easy-to-customize: you can change the fonts and colors, adjust opacities. Fully editable files except of the hand brushed word art: “weddings” - size & color edit only.
Featured photograph(s) and/or logo(s) are NOT included in template
You MUST own & have working knowledge of Photoshop (CS4+) or PSE (6+)
We do not provide custom design services

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