Student Holidays in Australia: Taking Best Photos
If you intend to spend the year’s best time in Australia, you’d better document it. Fun though it may be, it’s not enough to just take Insta snaps of ice cream stains on your roommate’s hilarious Santa PJs. You should also try to perpetuate many moments along with iconic places and adventures you had there. Maybe it sounds a bit old-fashioned, but you won’t regret it. So, let’s see how and where to take the best photos during student holidays in Australia.
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to take beautiful photos of Australia (or any other place, for that matter). Daintree Rainforest or Great Barrier Reef readily lend themselves to amazing photos made by amateurs and seasoned photographers alike.
Whether you prefer taking the streets to capture the exciting urban dynamics or roaming the breathtaking natural scenery, you will manage to freeze in time some memorable moments. It’s not as hard as it may seem - just hide some patience up your sleeve and keep in mind the following tips on how to take good pictures.
Oh, and try to cast aside those gloomy thoughts about your paper due next month. Just remember about the professional assignment writers you can hire online at any moment, you know! Still, right now, the uni can wait. Because the helpers will be ready and available when you get back from Australia.
7 Tips for Taking Photos of Australia
1. Get ready to get up early. And we mean really early, before the break of dawn. That awesome Australia is a continent where tourism is one of five industries driving national economy. It means that the most important landmarks are being overcrowded each and every moment of the day - except for very early in the morning. We know how hard it is to get on your feet just three hours after you fell asleep, but we promise it’ll be worth it.
2. Hang around every place for as long as possible. Apart from diligence, patience is the second most needed asset here. It’s better to stay at one place till you feel you’ve exhausted it than to constantly move around and miss some incredible scenes. Patience goes hand in hand with self-restraint. Stop peeking into the back screen after every shot. You should focus on what’s happening in front of you, and not on your camera. Take it as a rule of thumb: the more exquisite a moment, the shorter it’ll last.
3. Engage in conversations with the locals. Since the best photos are almost always about storytelling, you shouldn’t hesitate to engage in casual conversations while in Australia. Who knows, maybe it’ll even help you to find writers for your assignment. The locals will provide you with precious information on wonderful places that aren’t very frequented by tourists. You don’t need a degree in architecture to admire a building. Similarly, you don’t need an official tour guide to show you the places worth visiting. The locals will act as far better cicerones, if you know how to ask.
4. Ask permission when taking photos of people. You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget about this in the heat of the moment. Even though you’re roaming the public space, people still have every right to be offended if you use their private life as a subject without their knowledge or permission. So, you should kindly ask whether they mind being photographed.
5. Bring a tripod if possible. It will perform wonders when it comes to low-light scenery, whether inside (such as the interior of Sydney Opera House) or outside (e.g. Wallaman Falls in Queensland). With long exposure, your camera needs to be perfectly stable and undisturbed.
6. If you don’t have experience in photography, just stick to the rule of thirds. Professionals will know if or when to break this rule. But chances are you’re not a pro. So, try to play by the book whenever you’re uncertain about your composition. It’s actually very simple. Imagine two horizontal and two vertical lines dividing your frame into thirds - or just turn on the grid lines on your back screen. Your subject should be placed along the cross sections. In practice, it means you shouldn’t place your point of interest into the center of the image.
7. Do your best to forget about your tasks and obligations. Did those dreaded assignments find their way into your head again? Forget about them. Unlike you, they won’t go anywhere. Still, this trip can become a temporary escape from your daily duties and responsibilities. By the way, even those professional assignment writers ask for vacation sometimes.
Remember: this could be a one-of-a-kind adventure that will garnish your memory (and yes, Insta) for years and decades. It entirely depends on you. Just like writers get the best material when they forget about writing, you will write your assignment better if you forget about it for the time being.