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Five Photography Etiquette Tips for Traveling

Photography etiquette is something to consider while your traveling. It's easy to get carried away when you're in a beautiful place with a lot to offer a photographer. However, getting a great shot should never come before common courtesy and respect of someone else. Here are some tips on etiquette you should follow while traveling and taking pictures.

1. Be respectful, especially in holy places of worship. Your rights as a photographer shouldn't supersede a local person's right to privacy or cultural or religious traditions - even if someone is standing in public. If you want to take someone's picture portrait, it's always a good idea to politely ask their permission first.

2. Privacy laws vary by country. Inside many houses of worship, historic sites, and museums, there are often strict rules regarding photography. In the United States, street photography is perfectly legal as long as you and your subject are standing in public. You can't shoot on or into private property without permission. In some Middle Eastern countries, taking pictures of women is prohibited. It's important to know what the standards and laws are concerning photography and privacy before you travel. Research before you travel.

3. Once you've taken someone's picture, show your appreciation. In some countries, they expect a small tip of a few coins. In other countries, that would be offensive. Know the local customs and abide by them as much as possible. You're in someone else's culture, so take the opportunity to be gracious and meet new people. A camera, like a puppy, can be a great conversation starter!

4. If you take someone's picture, even a child, be willing to show and share with them their picture. Again, this is an excellent opportunity to meet locals and potentially learn more about where you're visiting.

5. When traveling and shooting photography, remember that shooting pictures of inanimate objects such as building, monuments, artifacts, etc. isn't the same as shooting pictures of the local people. It's their country, and they're going about their daily lives while you act like a tourist. Think about how it must feel to have tourists visit your hometown trying to snap pictures of you without asking first.

Good luck and happy travels!

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